Here are some resources I have created over the years that have been helpful to people as they have explored their relationship with God:
“Brief Guides” to Christian Spiritual Practices
Discussion Across the Divine: A Brief Guide to Loving Disagreement
A Brief Guide to Walking Prayer
Finding Your Way in the Dark: A Brief Guide to Navigating Our Faith Questions
Noticing Guidance: A Brief Guide to Discerning God’s Will in the Midst of Big Decisions
A Brief Guide to Becoming a Less-Judgmental Christian
The State of My Union: A Brief Exercise in Spiritual Life Review
Praying the Lord’s Prayer – Slowly: A Brief Guide
See also Praying the Scriptures: A Field Guide for Your Spiritual Journey, 27-32.
Gospel Meditation: A Brief Guide to the Imaginative Reading of Scripture
Taken from Praying the Scriptures: A Field Guide for Your Spiritual Journey, 52-54
Celebrating the Seasons of Life: A Brief Guide
My Relationship with God: A Brief Guide to Reviewing One’s Spiritual Life.
Treasure from the Desert: A Brief Guide to Private, Personal Retreats with the Lord
Prayerful Review: A Brief Guide to Self-Examination
The Art of Putting Things Right: A Brief Guide to (making) Confession
My Talking Back Journal: Responding to Unwelcome Voices
Composing Collects: A Brief Guide to Powerful (But Short) Prayers
Living the Jesus Prayer: A Brief Guide
Icon Meditation: A Brief Guide
Gratitude and the Spiritual Practice of Photography
See also Soul Sculpting, a blog that helps you connect deeply with God and increase thriving and well-being for yourself and others through simple five-minute practices rooted in Christian tradition and positive psychology.

The first of a series of video lectures covering the nature and ministry of Christian spiritual formation.

The first of a series of over twenty video lectures covering the spirituality of Christian worship.

The second of a series of five videos introducing the practice of devotional Bible reading.
Rules of Life Resources
Resources to help you write your own personal or community Rule of Life
Rules of Life: A Brief Introduction
A 14-minute video introduction to the Christian practice of keeping a Rule of Life, covering the history, basic elements, and practical tips. See also my written companion to the video, “What is a Rule of Life?”
Evans Rule
An 8-minute video describing how I keep my Rule of Life and what I do when it doesn’t work.
Rules of Life: The Preliminary Work
A 30-minute video describing the important preliminary work of getting ready to write a Rule of Life.
Rules of Life: The Principal Work
In this 20-minute video, I continue our conversation regarding writing a Rule of Life. I discuss the areas of rhythm, external or ordinary matters, and internal matters.
My Spiritual Agenda: A Brief Guide to Designing a Personal Rule of Life
(See The Brazos Introduction to Christian Spirituality, 296-97). See also What is a Rule of Life?
“Learning the Unforced Rhythms of Grace: Creating a Rule of Life in a 24/7 World”
A nice piece on composing Rules of Life by Jude Tiersma Watson, a friend and professor at Fuller Theological Seminary
Sample Rules of Life from Ordinary People Like You and Me
Other Stuff
Prayer with Power is Foundational
The video recording of a talk (more like “true confessions”) I gave on prayer for the Vineyard Missions Leaders Meeting, October 2017.
Finding Order: A Process of Intentional Life-Transition Discernment for Committed Christians
Fasting from Oppression: A Christian Response to Socio-Economic Powers
Celebrating Hallow ‘een? Setting the Holiday Straight and Suggesting a Family Celebration
The Use of Imagination in Christian Devotion and Ministry
Homeless Rights: A Christian Case for the Support of Colorado’s Right to Rest
Two Locker Rooms: An Adaptation of Ignatius of Loyola’s Meditation on the Two Standards.
What if? A Twelve-Minute Meditation on What Revival Might Look Like
(lightly adapted from The Brazos Introduction to Christian Spirituality, 434-35).
The Paralytic: An Imaginative Gospel Meditation