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Sunday, October 26, 2014

When meditating on the one thing Jesus wants me to see I came to the understanding that Jesus wants me to see how the desire for control, authority and significance has broken relationships. Restoration of our relationships, both our relationship with God and with others, is the act of salvation as a life. It is the continual conversion that leads us into a greater life with God. Instead I need to move into a natural posture of freely releasing and blessing. I already have access to all the power, authority and significance I could ever need.

Solitude, Study, Prayer, Meditation

  • 1/2 hour Centering Prayer AM, 1/2 hour Lectio Divina
  • 1/2 hour Centering Prayer PM @ 9:30 just before bed time
  • Ignatian meditation with kids at breakfast; examen with them at bedtime (they lead)


  • Walk
  • Continue to move toward healthy eating
  • Praying with the Body @ lunch (child in charge)
  • In bed by 9:30pm each night


  • Begins Sat 5PM, Ends Sun 5PM: Starts with a Celebration Computer Game Playing
  • Naps, Games, Painting, Reading, Writing, Screen Fast, Go Outside!


  • Reinstate Recyclables (child in charge)
  • Institute “clean out and sell” bags
  • Stay away from “junk” stores
  • Eat at local restaurants
  • Limiting social media: write a weekly blog, check Facebook on the day if it is published


  • Homeschooling
  • Volunteer at family shelter
  • Small Group — invite members to take a week to facilitate

Schedule: Making the Space for Studies

  • Read and research while kids are doing school
  • My best writing happens in the morning